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LD8'     "%&** **#'() () = >@BCDEFGHIJKLM/Xr$kW7{y3Ti2$=\cd!i <AA@8EF* mS ʚ;q8ʚ;g4GdGd(#0 -a0ppp@ <4!d!d8))0l+0<4dddd8))0l+0<4BdBd8))0l+0g4)d)dh0 -a0Bp@ pp80___PPT10 ? %O  =78 The Laws on Violence Against Women in the Philippines 97PBy: Rowena V. Guanzon Gender Justice Network Member, Asia Cause Lawyers NetworkQPQ<L:'Reforms in laws due to democratic space(("1986 People Power Revolution toppled the 14 year Martial Law dictatorship 1987 Constitution 1988 Elections of House of Representatives, Senators and local government officialsM; Before 1995:Gender based violence was not recognized in Philippine laws. Revised Penal Code covered offenses committed against women, e.g., physical injuries, rape, acts of lasciviousness, seduction, parricide, homicide, murder N< Civil LawHad discriminatory provisions on women, treated as subordinate to husbands Could not accept gifts from men other than their husbands without their consent Husband had sole administration of the conjugal partnershipO= 1987 CONSTITUTION:State Policies!!" Sec. 2  adopts the generally accepted principles of international law as part of the law of the land (CEDAW, CRC, other Conventions) Full respect for human rights Sec. 14.  fundamental equality before the law of women and men P>1987 ConstitutiondSec. 14 The State shall protect working women by providing safe and healthful working conditions xxxQ?LAWS ON VAW since 1995Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 Anti-Rape Act of 1997 Rape Victims Assistance Act (1998) An Act penalizing matching of Filipino mail order brides (1998) Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003 Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004Z;0.RA 9262: Anti  VAWC ActEffective March 27, 2004 A special law protecting women and their children from all forms of abuse Criminal statute Civil action  Temporary & Permanent Protection Order With remedy of Barangay (village) Protection Order$ Types of Violence covered"3 PHYSICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL, EMOTIONAL SEXUAL ECONOMIC .P3P3 4Def.: Violence Against Women & their children (VAWC) any act or series of acts committed by any PERSON against a WOMAN who is his wife, former wife, or with whom the person has or had a sexual or dating relationships, or with whom he has a common child, or against her child/child under her care  Def: VAWCWhich result or is likely to result in physical, sexual, psychological harm or suffering or economic abuse including threats of such acts, Battery, assault, coercion, harassment or arbitrary deprivation of liberty$H7ElementsRelationship, past or present Married or not; living in or not Sexual or dating relationship Including lesbian relationships With common child Falling under Sec. 5 (punishable acts)Sec. 5 Acts of VAWC  Causing, threatening, attempting to cause physical harm Placing the woman or her child in fear of imminent physical harm Attempting or compelling the woman or her child to engage in conduct which they have a right to desist from, or to  Sec. 5 Actsdepriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of custody or access to her family depriving them of financial support;insufficient financial support Z  Sec. 5 Acts Depriving or threatening to deprive the woman or her child of a legal right Preventing the woman from engaging in any legitimate profession, occupation, business or activity, or controlling her own money or properties or solely controlling conjugal or common assets    Sec. 5 Acts Causing or attempting to cause the woman or her child to engage in any sexual activity..., by force or threat, physical harm, intimidation directed against the woman, her child, or immediate family *:ZZJ9Sec. 5Engaging in knowing or reckless conduct, personally or through another, that alarms or causes substantial emotional or psychological distress including: (1) stalking (2)entering or remaining in the property *) Sec. 5 Acts  Causing mental or emotional anguish, public ridicule, humiliation including repeated verbal and emotional abuse* denial of financial support or custody of minor children or denial of access to the woman s child * * PRESCRIPTION PERIOD: 10 years. All others, 20 years .o"Purpose of Protection Orders to prevent further acts of violence against a woman or her child. to safeguard the victim from further harm to minimize disruption in victim s daily life give her the opportunity and ability to regain control over her life. $PPB6Kinds of Protection Orders Barangay Protecton Order  15 days; not extendible Temporary Protection Order  30 days + (shall be renewed by court) Permanent Protection Order$ Protection Orders Prohibition from threatening or committing, any of punishable acts Removal and exclusion from the residence regardless of ownership, temporarily or permanently where no property rights are violatedProtection OrdersStay away from petitioner, any designated family or household member Temporary or permanent custody of child Support  automatic remittance of salary or income by employer Dept of Social Welfare & Dev to provide shelter and social services)Who may file for Protection Orders (P.O.)XOffended party Parents or guardians Ascendants, descendants, collateral relatives within 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity Social workers of DSWD or LGUs Police officers Punong Barangay or kagawad Lawyer, counselor, therapist, healthcare provider At least 2 citizens of the city or municipality who have personal knowledge of the offense XYZZ TPTemporary Protection Order=Issued by the Court on the day of filing Ex parte ; Priority over all other cases Effective for 30 days; extendible Stay away order, temporary custody and support to woman and/or her children, use of community/conjugal property Bond to Keep the Peace Enforceable anywhere in the country No mediation; no conciliation*>*  -  Permanent Protection Orderissued after notice and hearing custody, support to the woman and/or her children respondent to leave the residence permanently with Bond to Keep the Peace  $Battered Woman Syndrome (BWS)ijustifying circumstance Perpetrator of crime against a woman with BWS shall not have custody of children*$Exemption from liabilityNO CRIMINAL, CIVIL, ADMINISTRATIVE LIABILITY : Any person, private individual, police authority, barangay official acting in accordance with law, who responds or intervenes without using violence or restraint greater than necessary to ensure safety of the victim8Z;a+%Rights of victimsRight to be treated with respect & dignity; Legal assistance; support services from DSWD, local governments Privacy and confidentiality of records Additional 10 day paid leave from work aside from present paid leave benefits R@Effectiveness of the law:The law is a product of cooperation of women s rights organizations and legislators, hence the comprehensive remedies Protection Orders are being increasingly used by women to protect themselves, get support, get back their minor children Barangay protection order is available to poor rural women who have no easy access to the courts*PYYSAEffectiveness of the lawSupreme Court issued a Rule on VAWC, governs the trial of the case Government officials, including judges are prohibited from mediating e.g. to influence the woman to give up her reliefs Local government units are tasked with education campaign to eliminate VAW ZMTBEffectiveness of the LawMechanism for government implementers and support services Inter-Agency on VAW is provided in the law; government implementers have Implementing Rules and Regulations enumerating their duties Problem: lack of funds for trainingIUCProblems, gaps, lessons:The law does not provide for appropriations, funding for training of implementers and support services for the woman Corruption in the judiciary, prosecution service Low level of gender sensitivity among prosecutorsVDProblems, lessonsRIgnorance of the law by police officers who are not in the women s and children s desks Lack of quality gender sensitivity seminars for judges who are not family court judges, and prosecutors Misuse of the laws and rules by lawyers, e.g. retaliation suits against women who have protection orders *Z*4. Rowena V. Guanzon, LLB, MPA Founding Member, Gender Justice Network Founding Member, Asia Cause Lawyers Network Email: rowena.guanzon@gmail.com Weblog: www.bingguanzon.com Fax (+632) 9290840 Mobile: +63 9189018504 < " /Ln1>0>0 /67  0` !3̙` Q.<ffff3` 3333fff` 3K=̙fff` 3fffff` ff3ff3` aNR>ff` 3fY33` 3f3f>?" dd@&?oAd(@n<)o<6=nA+7%Z', n?" dd@   @@``PR   = 7 ,`(p>> (    < V0 #" `j 0 T Click to edit Master title style! !$  0X0 "Pe 0 RClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level!     SLB  # X_0BCE6FGIIQU*VWX @`@$ G"   `B  s *Dg "00  0b0 "^` 0 `*0   0 h0 "^  0 b*0   0l0 "^  0 b*0   dA"޽h ?Light horizontal"` 3f3f___PPT10i. "+D=' _= @B + Profile 0 +(    <Y #" `p Y T Click to edit Master title style! !  0|Y "p`  Y W#Click to edit Master subtitle style$ $  0 Y "`` Y `*0   0dY "`  Y b*0   0tY "`  Y b*0 LB  # ԕYBCE6FGjIQU*VWX @`@$ G")    dA"޽h ?Light horizontal"` 3f3f___PPT10i. "+D=' _= @B +0 zrP4 (  4 4 0W P   W P*   4 0W    W R*  d 4 c $ ?  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Rowena GuanzonProfileUnited Nations108Microsoft PowerPoint@k@@ R|OI@ષGg  @:  y-B( --$xx--'--$ ) +`+`) )----% ))--'@"Verdana-. 32 HThe Laws on Violence Against ."Systemx:-@"Verdana-. +2 SWomen in the Philippines .-@"Verdana-. 2 c*By: Rowena V. .-@"Verdana-. 2 cFGuanzon.-@"Verdana-. *2 h*Gender Justice Network s.-@"Verdana-. :2 l*"Member, Asia Cause Lawyers Network.-՜.+,D՜.+,D    On-screen Show #"' (Times New RomanVerdana WingdingsTahomaArialProfile9 The Laws on Violence Against Women in the Philippines (Reforms in laws due to democratic space Before 1995: Civil Law!1987 CONSTITUTION:State Policies1987 ConstitutionLAWS ON VAW since 1995RA 9262: Anti VAWC ActTypes of Violence covered5Def.: Violence Against Women & their children (VAWC) Def: VAWC ElementsSec. 5 Acts of VAWC Sec. 5 Acts Sec. 5 Acts Sec. 5 ActsSec. 5 Sec. 5 Acts Purpose of Protection OrdersKinds of Protection OrdersProtection OrdersProtection Orders*Who may file for Protection Orders (P.O.)Temporary Protection OrderPermanent Protection OrderBattered Woman Syndrome (BWS)Exemption from liabilityRights of victimsEffectiveness of the law:Effectiveness of the lawEffectiveness of the LawProblems, gaps, lessons:Problems, lessons Rowena V. Guanzon, LLB, MPA Founding Member, Gender Justice Network Founding Member, Asia Cause Lawyers Network Email: rowena.guanzon@gmail.com Weblog: www.bingguanzon.com Fax (+632) 9290840 Mobile: +63 9189018504  Fonts UsedDesign Template Slide Titles", 8@ _PID_HLINKSA  mailto:rowena.guanzon@gmail.comhttp://www.bingguanzon.com/&_2United NationsUnited Nations  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]^_`abcefghijkmnopqrsxRoot EntrydO)Pictures!Current UserlSummaryInformation(\PowerPoint Document(VDocumentSummaryInformation8d